Auto schedule task button (AI smart scheduling)
under review
Button or shortcut to auto schedule a task to the next available slot
Would be interesting if this could be smart somehow and take into account previously scheduled tasks/preferences/etc...
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checking on this one, I wonder if the new ai (deepseek) could do it. I've been using it for code so much the last month!
Merged in a post:
Ai or smart schedule to reschedule/rollover time boxes tasks for you
The only thing that could make this app even more crazy amazing! Some kind of smart auto rescheduling like it does with rollover tasks.
Must thank Chris for all the great work you do! This is a lifesaving app!
under review
Revisiting this one soon because AI models have gotten much much better now (and cheaper!) :)
Any updates on this one? I think you said to me it would be a few months. Would love it!!!
I've been looking for this feature everywhere since Sorted 3 died. It has a magic wand button that will automatically reschedule everything that isn't finished, taking into account customized buffer times between tasks. If certain tasks need to be done at certain times, the user can lock it before tapping autoschedule. An improvement upon that would be the ability to break up single tasks into multiple time blocks. For example, I have a lunch break locked from 12-1pm. Autoschedule would then break up the task around that time block, similar to Sunsama's function.
Sresth Gupta
This might be best done with an algorithm rather than an AI model to be honest (though that probably makes it somewhat harder to implement but definitely makes it infinitely more reliable). You can essentially create a task score based on priority, due date, estimated time and time worked so far. Then simply take the time that is free in the time box and start putting the tasks into the gaps like puzzle pieces by going through a list of tasks sorted by score. You can add a preset buffer like in Sorted3. If a task doesn’t fit in a gap, keep going through the list until a task has a short enough estimated time to fit (alternatively you can add an option to only auto schedule if there is a certain amount of free time between tasks). I’m sure there are better ways to do this algorithm that would decrease the runtime but this seems like simplest way. You can also probably experiment with the weightings of each element of a task to see what is most natural. I would say, when the feature is in beta just let tester manually change the value attached to each thing (priority, days to deadline, etc.) and just get feedback on what they think is the most natural weighting.
Been working on a prototype every few months, still not there but gets closer and closer every time :)
the bottleneck right now is the AI models aren't consistent enough for me to feel comfortable putting it into the app. but its getting closer!
Not the same as reoccurring timebox, but smart scheduling. Flow savvy is what I use with this app to do that sometimes if I have a lot of things and don't want to keep editing ellie
Yes yes yes and auto rescheduling. I use flowsavvy for this. Would love to get rid of using two apps and just have Ellie for this!!! 🙏🏽 does this too. Want Ellie to have this so bad since it's the bomb!